The world of fitness has witnessed a sudden spike in the past decade. With more and more people turning to fitness to keep their body in the best shape possible, many forms of training have come into focus. While many still opt for the traditional workout routine and yoga, the CrossFit workouts have become the latest trend. A high-intensity fitness routine, CrossFit workouts consists of functional activities like running, squatting, pulling and other simple workouts. While the main aim is to maximise the final result in a limited period, CrossFit workouts have become an instant hit with amateurs as well as fitness enthusiasts.
Given the current situation, people have been trying to figure out various ways to keep themselves healthy amid the pandemic. From consuming multi-vitamin tablets to trying out old-traditional immunity-boosting remedies, the need to stay fit and healthy has become of utmost importance. With the fear of contracting the deadly Covid-19 virus in gyms, people have started exercising indoors and simple workouts like yoga and CrossFit have become everyone’s favourite.
AskMen India has compiled six CrossFit exercises that you can try at home to improve your flexibility.
Termed as one of the best full-body workouts by experts, Burpees targets multiple muscles and improves stamina as well. This exercise is divided into two parts: the push-up and the jump, which brings muscles from the upper and lower body into play. Burpees is a bodyweight workout that works on the arms, glutes, chest, quadriceps, core and hamstring muscles, thus enhancing flexibility and mind-body coordination. Plus, this workout is one of the most simple and effective ways of burning off excess fat from the body.
Simple steps to follow:
- -Stand with your feet together.
- -Extend your arms vertically and jump.
- -After landing, place your body in plank position for a few seconds.
- -Return to the original position.
- -Repeat.

A simple exercise that can help you improve your flexibility is sit-ups. Apart from strengthening the core muscles, sit-ups also make the back and hip muscles more flexible. Including this productive workout in your daily fitness routine will improve circulation and reduce the risk of back injuries. An integral part of all athletes fitness programs, sit-ups help you develop muscle mass which indirectly enhances stability and balance.
- -Lie on your back.
- -Place your arms behind your head.
- -Bend your knees. (make sure your feet touch the ground)
- -Raise your upper body.
- -Return to the original position.
- -Repeat.

To be honest, push-ups may look easy, but this is the toughest (only in the initial stages) and effective workout of all. Push-ups is a compound exercise that targets multiple muscles (just like sit-ups) and improves the body’s posture. A staple exercise that’s an integral part of all pre-workout routine, push-ups also enhances flexibility by working on your core and lower back muscles.
Simple steps to follow:
- -Place your body in a plank position.
- -Make sure your body is in a straight line.
- -Bend your elbows while descending the upper body.
- -Return to the original position.
- -Repeat.
Dead Bug
Dead Bug is a good core-based workout but it also improves mind-body coordination, balance and flexibility. Aimed to improve body posture, this workout works on the spine and lower back muscles, thus providing more flexibility. An important exercise in every athlete’s fitness manual, the dead bug workout can be included in everyday routine as it’s simple and requires no equipment.
Simple steps to follow:
- -Lie on your back.
- -Extend your hands and bend your knees.
- -Move your left arm backwards while extending the right leg.
- -Return to the original position.
- -Repeat the above steps with your opposite arm and leg.
Air Squats

The simplest of all workouts, air squats are sure to enhance your flexibility. A bodyweight exercise (with no equipment) that improves muscle mass, air squats mostly target glutes, thighs, hamstrings and quadriceps muscles. It also strengthens the knees as you get into the squat position. If done correctly, this functional fitness exercise increases hip mobility, thus raising your flexibility bar to the next level.
Simple steps to follow:
- -Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- – Place your arms in front of your chest.
- -Bend your knees and squat down.
- -Push yourself back to the original position.
- -Repeat.
Box Jumps

Apart from burning fats, the box jump workout improves mind-body coordination while increasing stamina and endurance level. The continuous jumps develop your legs and lower back muscles which improve your overall flexibility. The box jump workout also boosts your cardiovascular health and strengthen the core muscles as well.
Simple steps to follow:
- -Stand in front of the box.
- -Bend your knees and get into a squat like position.
- -Jump on top of the box.
- -Return to the original position.
- -Repeat
It’s time to focus on your health and these exercises will surely help you elevate your fitness game.
Cover artwork by Dhaval Punatar/AskMen India
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